100A 1V 1% SCT-013 SCT013 Switching current transformer Arus AC Trafo
Ukuran bukaan: 13mm x 13mm
3% non-lapisan (Arus input terukur 10% 120%)
1.5m kawat utama, 3.5 3 keluaran standar steker inti.
Dua bentuk arus listrik, tegangan (output tegangan built-in resistor sampling).
Bahan inti: ferit
Kekuatan mekanis: waktu membuka dan menutup, tidak kurang dari 1000 kali (20 C
Indikator keselamatan: kekuatan dielektrik 6000V AC/1 menit
Memenuhi sifat penghambat api yang UL94-V0
Suhu operasional: -25 C ~ + 70 C
Untuk motor AC, peralatan pencahayaan, kompresor udara
Dan pengukuran terkini, pemantauan, dan perlindungan lainnya.
Model: SCT013
Frequency: 50HZ-150KHZ
Switching type transformer SCT-013 Rated input current: 100A Model: SCT-013 Rated input current: 60A/100A
Size of the opening:
13mm × 13mm, fully compatible with similar foreign products; non-linearity ±3% (10% ~ 120% rated input current); lead length 1.5 meters, standard Φ3.5 three-core plug output; two output forms: current and voltage ( Voltage output type has built-in sampling resistor).
Used for current measurement, monitoring and protection of AC motors, lighting equipment, air compressors, etc. Core material: ferrite Mechanical strength: opening and closing times not less than 1,000 times (tested at 20°C)
Safety indicators: Electrical strength (between shell and output) 6000V AC/1min Flame retardant properties comply with UL94-V0
Working temperature: -25℃~+70℃
2 in stock